When a patient is missing most of their teeth, replacing them is crucial both for oral health and for appearance. The advancements in implants today make it easier than ever to restore patients’ smiles. There are two popular types of dental implant therapy the patient can choose from: snap-on dentures, the removable option, or all-on-4 dental implants, the permanent one.
Let’s take a look at a quick comparison of both:

A Guide to All-On-4 Dental Implants Aftercare

Snap-On Dentures

Snap-On dentures consist of 2-6 implants placed in the patient’s mouth and a denture that simply snaps into place and can be removed for cleaning, unlike traditional dentures. Snap-on dentures are easy to remove as they snap on and off; secure as the dentures would not snap off on themselves; they preserve the jawbone; and of course, are easy to clean because of how easy it is to take them on and off.

A Guide to All-On-4 Dental Implants Aftercare

All-On-4 Dental Implants

All-On-4 dental implants work as a type of implant-supported denture that uses only four implants to replace a full arch of lost teeth. This is an innovative, effective, and permanent procedure. There are many advantages to this procedure, including immediate results, stability, permanent solution, a quick procedure, easy maintenance, and preserving the jaw structure, among others.

Snap-On dentures and All-On-4 dental implants provide the patient’s jaw with strength and stability to prevent bone loss, imply no food restrictions after healing, and the patient’s smile will look natural. Both options are valid to replace the patient’s missing teeth as quickly as possible. However, All-on-Four presents obvious advantages because the design mimics the patient’s natural smile and since they are permanent, this leads to more comfort, whereas snap-On dentures will need to be removed daily for cleaning.

Dental implant treatment is highly effective, to find out more about the different options and which one may be right for you, contact Parker Dental Implant and Specialty Center, call 720-522-2000, or visit us at 11005 S Parker Rd. Parker, Colorado.

At Parker Dental Implant and Specialty Center, our professionals will assess the overall oral condition of the patients to determine if a dental implant is appropriate. Safe and effective treatment is ensured.