For patients with only a few of your teeth missing, partial dentures are a great and fast solution for replacing them. Dentures are a trusted and effective solution for replacing missing teeth and unlike a full set of dentures, these are held in place by a plastic base that is the same color as your gums. A metal framework is typically created in order to secure the base and prevent it from falling out. As long as you have natural teeth in place, you cannot wear a full set, so a partial set of dentures is necessary.

We treat patients throughout the Parker and Denver area that want to know if a partial set is better than a cosmetic procedure. They function differently because dentures are removable and cosmetic dentistry solutions are typically permanent.

As with any dental solution, there are pros and cons to wearing dentures and whether or not they will work for you depends largely on your lifestyle and the goals that you have for your appearance and the functionality of your smile.

If you live in the Parker area, call for your FREE consultation and we can provide you with a list of options to consider.


Patients throughout the Parker area like how convenient and effective dentures are to recover your smile back and regain functionality. Whether you need a full or partial set, they can replace teeth in a non-invasive way. There is no surgical element to worry about, and temporary dentures can be fitted immediately. This provides a quick and easy solution. If, however, you are looking for something that feels more natural, you should consider a cosmetic dentistry procedure.


Every night you need to take your dentures out. We advise patients of Parker Implant to rinse them thoroughly then use a denture brush to remove any food particles before rinsing them again. You also need to brush your gums, tongue, and the roof of your mouth with a soft toothbrush and toothpaste. You can use an antiseptic mouthwash afterwards to kill any lingering bacteria and improve your breath. Your dentures should soak all night then be placed back in the mouth in the morning.